Posts tagged ‘Birthday’

December 18, 2010

Post Birthday!

We had THE best time with the family last night for the birthday celebrations! We went to Bonefish Grill in Asheville for supper. It’s one of our favorite places to eat! They have an appetizer called Muscles Josephine that are out of this world. The sauce is something to marvel at… like you want to take a bath in it. It’s that good. Not even joking. We were so tickled because they put “Happy Birthday, Carl, Nathan & Kelly” on the specials menu (handed out to every table) which was such a lovely touch! Everyone was pumped. It felt like the whole place new we were coming in for a celebration and everyone wanted to join it. So great!

After we ate we ended up at my parent’s house for cake and presents! I know I’ve gone on and on about how I love to give gifts rather than be given them but last night was so magical. Everyone got what they wanted and then something they didn’t know they wanted but were so thrilled to receive anyway. You know that way? I love it!

Now, I want to share some photos with you. BUT I have to warn you… mom and I decorated the cake. Disclaimer: we’ve never been great at cake decoration… or cutting. When I was turning one my mom tried to cut my cake with dental floss to not mess up the decoration. Yeah. God love her, but it was a terrible idea. Just like us trying to decorate this cake. Kelly requested white with chocolate frosting. It says “Happy Bday Nay & Kelly”. It looks like this:

Right? At least it tasted good!! The baking thing we have down, at least mom and I can have that star to put on our crowns! Here are a few more favorite shots:

This one is my absolute favorite! Dad was trying to keep Kelly from blowing out the candles (we all give her a hard time in some way or another) and she’s trying to get around him and they’re all cracking up!

He looks like a creeper, on purpose. Yes, that is the owl I made sitting on the table!

Here she is! My very very first owl. Kelly loved it! I also made her a flower rose clip (on the owl’s ear). What do you guys think?

Nathan rocking the flower clip. It suits him ;]

Thanks for sharing this with me, friends! I’ll share more photos of the owl later. I’m so excited to show you how it turned out! Eeek!

xoxo Shannon

December 16, 2010

Goals Goals Goals

Hiya from crazy weather NC mountains! It’s been snowy, sleety, icy, and now rainy. I’ve heard several complaints about it, but it just makes me giggle. My typical response to any given weather angst is “welcome to the mountains”. I was home bound again today because my cold is making a comeback and I’m determined to be well before any festivities. I listened to a lot of this (see video) song and I think I feel better because of it!

I have sooo many goals to reach before Christmas! I have like, what? 8 days or so? I’m PUMPED! Bring on the pressure! I have:
-to be completely not sick
-last minute shopping to attend to, one is with my Papa so we can get Andrew the perfect present. I can’t wait to see his face when he opens it! Eeeek!
-tons of baking to do and thank you’s to write.
– a lot of photos to edit and client packages to put together
-last minute handmade gifts for the party tomorrow night, honoring 3 Mimms family members
-wrapping up loose ends at work
-share photos of Kelly’s present since I finished it last night and it’s precious

We also have a few business goals to reach for Fox & Owl Studio… I’ll let you know about those a little later. We’re so stoked for these dreams coming true!

Last night we spent some time with my brother in law, Dustin! It was a lot of fun. We ended up with Amos on Main Street climbing sculptures, slipping on ice, and checking out old stair cases. One of my favorite things to do with Andrew and Dustin is walk aimlessly and see what we can come up with. Sometimes it’s so nice not to have an agenda or a schedule. It gives you a chance to create, see new things… spend time with kids you love to death without anything to take away from the magic.

Happy Almost Friday and birthday fun!

xo. shannon

December 15, 2010

5 Favorite Things!

Hiya! I’m all cozy at home with a fire going and a great cup of coffee and our treepod lit and a sweet kitten and and and…

The list of lovely things goes on!

I’m SO pumped for this week’s 5 favorite things! My brother, sister and dad all have birthdays this week. Nathan and Kelly were born on the 17th, six years apart, and Dad’s is the 19th!



This is Nathaniel. Or Nathan, more affectionately known as Nay, even more irritatingly known as Your Highness. He’s my sweet brother with whom I share numerous inside jokes and quotes. He’s been one of the soul people in my life that I’ve always been able to count on to have my back and to hold my hand when I need it. Nay, I love dew. Happy Birthday!


This is Kelly Catherine. She’s my little sister, 10 years younger than I am. Which is crazy to me, but also really cool. She’s blonde, and acts like it (she’ll love that I just wrote that) but typically it’s more endearing than anything. She’s smart as a whip and beautiful. I think as an almost 14 year old that she’s growing into such a lovely and respectable lady. She makes me happy in my heart! Kelly, you might just be the best sister on the planet!  Happy Birthday!


This is my Daddy. Carl, Pilgrim, Uncle Bear, the list goes on. He’s the most remarkable man I know. He’s the only person in my life that I can share the woods with and have him really get it.  He’s taught me everything I know when it comes to knives, finding the perfect walking stick, game trails, hunter brownies, wildflowers, why cast iron is better than anything else, shooting, gun calibers, herbs, etc. He’s guarded but accessible, when you first get to know him. He has more depth and experience than most people you’ll ever meet. He says things like, “Rectum, hell killed ’em!” “Can’t dance and it’s too wet to plow.”  “Watch your top knot and keep your powder dry.” He’s the only person I know that can actually sing “Moriah” and do it well. And, he’s one of 4 people in my life that can make the same face as me at the same moment and finish my sentences. He’s the first guy I could love without abandon, who held me as a wee baby on the parkway and fed me wild strawberries and now who can teach me how to cook in my own house with my husband. Remarkable! I love you, Pa. Happy Birthday!


I’m loving this sweet little owl shirt. It’s so flipping adorable and it looks super comfortable! I’m hoping to find one like it in my daily travels!

Andrew Elliott Horton, thanks for making me giggle all the time. You’re lovely, especially when you’re Ramboing it up with a knife clenched between your teeth. To the moon!

I hope you’re enjoying your Wednesday evening. We’re supposed to get ice and snow tonight! I can’t wait!

xoxo. Shannon


October 7, 2010

Andrew’s Birthday is tomorrow!

I’m so excited! Andrew will be 25 tomorrow! He has requested sausage gravy and biscuits for dinner as well as a cake and pumpkin pie. I’m providing the cake and mom is going to make him a pumpkin pie, mostly because I’ve never made one before and a little bit because I’m intimidated by it.

Everyone says, oh there is nothing to making a pumpkin pie… all  I hear is blah blah blah. So, mom will make this one and, when I decide to be brave, I’ll make a belated one.

Some favorite quotes from him recently:

*Regarding Sawyer, a boxer mix that is always into mischief: He’s never met a chicken but, I can’t imagine it would go well.
*To me: You got great lips, woman.
*To me: I effing love being married to you
*On the phone, regarding who knows what: Pink Balls… I think that’s a pretty good name for him
*Regarding finding a better job: Welp, time to surf Craig’s List.
*To me in the mornings in baby voice: Just come backa bed wif me.

Can’t even get over how blessed I am to have him in my life, much less as my promised beloved. Not. Even. Joking.

Freaking awesome!


Happy almost Birthday, Beloved!

xo. Owl

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August 11, 2010

My birthday is coming up

My wee birthday is on Friday Saturday the 14th, I’ll be 24! I’m working on a 25 things to do before I’m 25 goal list. I think I may make a wee journal specifically for this little project! I love that the deadline is Friday, that makes me work faster and better.

I’ve been promising an update and haven’t done it and I’m sooo sorry! Since we’ve been back from honeymoon things have been super crazy and busy. I’ve been organizing rooms and throwing things away/sorting to give away, painting things and making them lovely, cleaning, laundry, etc. I just got my Brother sewing machine for the sewing class and I’m beyond excited to learn all about it and get started.

I have a meeting in about 20 minutes and I have some marketing work to do tonight but I’m going to post some photos of things we’ve been sprucing and photos from our honeymoon. Thanks for being patient!

xo – S