Posts tagged ‘Create’

October 18, 2010

Weekend Recap

Hiya! We had such a grand weekend! We spent Friday on the parkway photographing EVERYTHING and ended up having a very late dinner of McDonald’s with my brother at work. We spent Saturday with each other, relaxing on the porch and reading. Our friend Jeff came over and played with us for a little bit too! Sunday was filled with The Vine, family and photographs. We had our first mini shoot (which was mostly play – SO fun!!!) at one of our favorite spots with some of our favorite people. Here is a peak of the shoot…

We had a blast! Nathan and Taylor were a lot of fun to work with. I can’t wait to really sink our teeth into the market here and get busy with some super fun people and amazing photos!

We have blue tick and plott hounds right next door to us. Can we talk about how great their wee barks and howls are? I’ve wanted some kind of coon hound for as long as I can remember. I’m pretty sure she’ll be a blue tick and I’ll name her Daisy (since daisies are my favorite). Ah, it’s a pink sunset tonight. Pink sunsets are my favorite, they’re like a gift just for me. Andrew feels the same way about orange sunsets. We’re working on a new project which is exciting and scary all at once. I think we’ll have something to show for it before Christmas!

I’m inspired and in the mood to create! I think some proper time with my sewing machine is in order!

As always, if you’d like to see more of our photo shoot head on over to our website and check it out!

Happy Monday Eve!

xo. s

September 14, 2010


Tuesday, why do you feel like Monday?

Oh, that’s right. It’s because of a super gnarley Monday, a late bedtime, and a crying kitten all night. Of course.

Man I’m tired! But I’m also really jazzed because two of our friends are coming for dinner tonight and I CAN’T WAIT! Other than family and very very very close friends that are practically family, this is the first pair of friends to come visit and have dinner. As of now we only have two chairs at our table so, we’re going to:
a) have a carpet picnic
b) go up in the field behind the house

Either way we’re making (what we consider) our signature dish and they are bringing wine and the dessert. Hooray!

I also found yet another project for us. It involves scrap wood, which we happen to have a lot of.

Whoa, huge picture and no way to fix it. Super, wordpress. So, what do you think? You dig? Cause, we do!

xo. shannon & scrap [soon to be tree on the wall] wood