Posts tagged ‘Cookies’

December 11, 2010

Red Velvet Cookies

Hiya! This evening Andrew and I went over to my parent’s house for supper and fun. Andrew ended up reloading with my dad and I made cookies, decorated the tree, and drank coffee with my mom and sister! SO fun!

We made flipping red velvet cookies. Not even joking. Betty Crocker knows here stuff, let me tell you! I don’t have a recipe tonight but, I’ll find one for you and hook you up. Simply because you haven’t lived until you’ve had one. We altered ours though, we put chocolate chips in them ;-) My my my!

I may have been drooling when this photo was taken by my beloved. He had already sampled the delectable tastes of the cookies! They were well worth the wait! Happy almost Christmas!

xo. s & cookies

July 9, 2010

Thursday Cookie Night

We made some seriously gnarley cookies! So delicious, before and after. Yes, I am a total bowl licker. I flipping love some batter – of any kind, I’m not picky!

Dear Andrew, You are the cookie to my monster. Thanks for making a great “A” since mine was kind of lame. You rock my world.
Dear Cookies, please fulfill your destiny and make the receiver happy beyond words and a bit light hearted into the bargain!

Good evening, friends! Happy Thursday!

xo – S & A & dino cookie

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